Career Connections.Com
copyright Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick
- Developing Career Goals
- Networking Mentoring
- Resume Workshops
- Portfolio Designs: Art of Folio Thinking
ePortfolios: Kaleidoscopic Career Process
Baby Boomers are forging career paths in new territories from local to global arenas, revisioning themselves in new and innovative ways. Entrepreneurial approaches for better understanding the power of life-long career learning and connecting with new opportunities is an exciting challenge in our careers today. This calls for new and innovative ways to view ourselves, I have named this the Kaledoscopic Career Process. As Baby Boomer kids, we liked to play with kaleidsocopes, with the simple twist of a wrist, we saw endless new designs and colors as the light reflected throughout.
Just as a kaleidoscope needs light to view the endless possibilities of visual combinations of
the colored glass, an e-portfolio provides the illumination for the learner to view the endless possibilities of the potential views and connections of her/his learning experience from self to global society.
Using the latest digital technology, we will create your ePortfolio giving you a kaleidoscopic viewto showchase you in new and unchartered ways. The ePortfolio is created first for empowering you and secondly, to use as a 21st innovative way of marketing yourself.
For continuing career development:
For retirement gifts:
Sample ePortfolios

With over 25 years in higher education, Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick created an electronic portfolio to organize and showcase her academic and professional career. As the Director of Portfolios for Student Success Programs and the Senior Year Experience at KSU, Dr. Dominick is the creator of the RACCE College Portfolio Process and a pioneer of e-portfolios at Kennesaw State University.